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p  人生若只如初见。p [复制链接]



Abstract It is valuable to evaluate the energy efficiency of China’s industrial trades ,as well as to reveal the endogenous promoting forces. For failing to bining the advantage of SBM, traditional methods for evaluating total factor productivity(TFP) used in related papers should be modified. Also, the relationships among R&D inputs, capital accumulation and energy efficiency have been neglected in related researches. A endogenous model should be developed to describe the relations of the three variables. Then, the industrial energy efficiencies in China have been evaluated during 1997-2011 based on Luenberger index. The influences of R&D inputs on the industrial energy efficiencies have also been tested with GMM model. The results show that the TFP had been promoted with 9.7% per year, consisted with -0.56% of the technical progress per year, and 15.3% of efficiency change per year. This results indicated the promotion of efficiency change and the deterioration of technical frontier from 1997 to 2011. The regressions of overall samples show that R&D expenditures from the government depressed the TFP, while the R&D expenditures from the enterprises promoted the TFP. With the subsamples, we can find that R&D expenditures from the government promoted the technical frontier in heavy industries significantly, but not obviously in slight industries. Capital accumulation depressed the TFP, while the capital deepening promoted the TFP. According to the research results, the R&D investments from the government should be strengthened in heavy industries as energy technologies. And the R&D system should be designed by enterprises that are tightly linked to the market in slight industries. Advanced technologies and technologyintensive capital should also be absorbed from seaside.


  世界上丶总有那么一个人丶 会让你抛弃所有。




春季养肺吃什么 可以试试这些药膳哦

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